

派克卫生服务公司.有限公司. 经营PSSI.. com提供服务. This page is 使用d to inform website visitors regarding our policies with the collection, 使用, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to 使用 our Service, 网站名称.

如果您选择使用mg线上电子游戏的服务, then you agree to the collection and 使用 of information in relation with this policy. The Personal Information that we collect are 使用d for providing and improving the Service. We will not 使用 or share your information with anyone except as described in this 隐私政策. The terms 使用d in this 隐私政策 have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, 可在网址上查阅, 除非本隐私政策另有规定.


为了在使用mg线上电子游戏的服务时获得更好的体验, we may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information, 包括但不限于你的名字, 电话号码, 邮政地址. mg线上电子游戏收集的信息将用于mg线上电子游戏或识别您.


mg线上电子游戏希望在您访问mg线上电子游戏的服务时通知您, we collect information that your browser sends to us that is called Log Data. This Log Data may include information such as your computer’s Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, 浏览器版本, 您访问mg线上电子游戏服务的页面, 你来访的时间和日期, 花在这些页面上的时间, 还有其他统计数据. In addition, we collect Usage Data using technologies called “cookies” and “web beacons.” Cookies are files with small amount of data that is commonly 使用d an anonymous unique identifier. A web beacon is an object that is embedded in a page or e-mail and is usually invisible to the 使用r but allows checking that a 使用r has viewed the page or e-mail. These are sent to your browser from the website that you visit and are stored on your computer’s hard drive.

Our website 使用s these “cookies” to collection information and to improve our Service. 您可以选择接受或拒绝这些cookie, 并且知道cookie何时被发送到您的计算机. We may combine Usage Data with Personal Information (as defined below) in a manner that enables us to trace Usage Data to an individual 使用r, 可能会收集, 使用, 以mg线上电子游戏可能收集的任何方式保存和披露使用数据, 使用, preserve and 披露 Personal Information as provided herein (whether Usage Data is combined with any Personal Information or otherwise). 如果您选择拒绝mg线上电子游戏的cookies, 本服务的某些部分可能无法正常工作, 或者做次优工作.


We may employ third-party companies and individuals due to the following reasons: (a) to facilitate our Service; (b) To provide the Service on our behalf; (c) to perform Service-related services; or (d) to assist us in analyzing how our Service is 使用d.

We want to inform our Service 使用rs that these third parties have access to your Personal Information. 原因是代表mg线上电子游戏执行分配给他们的任务. However, they are obligated not to 披露 or 使用 the information for any other purpose. 如本隐私政策下文所述, we 使用 certain third-party tools and services to assist us in collecting Usage Data. Such tools and services include Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. 部分第三方工具和服务, 比如谷歌分析, 使用“cookies”或“网络信标”来帮助分析用户如何使用本网站. 谷歌分析使用“cookie”来收集匿名的流量数据. mg线上电子游戏不访问或控制这些第三方“cookie”或“网络信标”。, 然而, mg线上电子游戏可以访问它们使用过程中产生的数据, such as when we view analytics reports provided by such third-party tools and services.


mg线上电子游戏重视您对mg线上电子游戏提供个人信息的信任, 因此,mg线上电子游戏正在努力使用商业上可接受的方法来保护它. 但请记住,没有办法通过互联网传输, 电子存储方式100%安全可靠, mg线上电子游戏不能保证它的绝对安全. 您同意将您的个人信息保密, and not to share information and materials that you receive by or through the Site with any third party other than through the general, 本网站允许的非商业方法. 例如, the Site permits you to share links to content through a sharing tool available on certain pages of the Site.


mg线上电子游戏的服务可能包含指向其他网站的链接. 如果你点击第三方链接,你将被引导到该网站. 请注意,这些外部网站并非由mg线上电子游戏运营. Therefore, we strongly advise you to review the 隐私政策 of these websites. mg线上电子游戏无法控制, 对内容不承担任何责任, 隐私政策, 或任何第三方网站或服务的做法.


mg线上电子游戏的服务不针对13岁以下的任何人. We do not knowingly collect personal identifiable information from children under 13. In the case we discover that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, mg线上电子游戏立即从mg线上电子游戏的服务器上删除. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, 请与mg线上电子游戏mg线上电子游戏,以便mg线上电子游戏能够采取必要的行动.


mg线上电子游戏可能会不时更新mg线上电子游戏的隐私政策. 因此,mg线上电子游戏建议您定期查看此页面的任何更改. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new 隐私政策 on this page. 这些更改在发布到本页后立即生效.


通过使用本网站, 你肯定你有能力接受, 并且接受了, 本隐私政策的条款和条件.


尽管本隐私政策中有任何相反的规定, 您理解并同意PSSI可能会收集, 使用, 保存及披露任何资料(包括, 但不限于, 使用数据和个人信息):(1)响应传票, 法庭命令, 法律程序或法律另有规定时, 或者建立, 保护, or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims in PSSI’s sole discretion, (二)保护PSSI或者公众的权利和财产, including the enforcement of this 隐私政策 and any other agreement we may have with you or your organization (as applicable), (3)如果mg线上电子游戏认为有必要进行调查, 防止, or take action regarding unauthorized distribution of another’s intellectual property or information, 非法活动, 欺诈, or situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person (provided, 然而, mg线上电子游戏没有义务这样做), 或者(4)公众可以获得的信息. PSSI可能, 不时地, assign or transfer all or a portion of the Usage Data and/or Personal Information and its rights and obligations hereunder to one or more third parties (whether in connection with a sale of assets, 合并或其他), in which case the successor or assignee will agree to abide by the obligations under this 隐私政策 with respect to the Usage Data and Personal Information transferred to such successor or assignee (unless otherwise agreed to by you and such successor or assignee). Any information shared by you with us may be shared with or transferred to any PSSI affiliated entity or third-party provider (including those located outside the European Union), 无论在哪里, 以向您提供服务及改善本网站. 通过使用本网站, you consent to this transfer and acknowledge that the services provided to you and the functionality of the Site could not be provided without such a transfer. If you do not wish your information to be transferred in this way do not 使用 the Site. In addition to the other 使用s and disclosures of information set forth in this 隐私政策, 尽管本隐私政策中有任何相反的规定, mg线上电子游戏可以用, 披露, 为任何目的分配和转让, 任何非个人信息.


If you have any questions or suggestions about our 隐私政策, do not hesitate to contact us.

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